Tuesday, November 16, 2010

#24 giddyup

A few months ago I was able to cross this goal off my list. I rode a horse many many years ago and have always wanted to do it again. I am always surprised at the size and beauty of seeing a horse up close.

We rode through on breathtaking Turtle Bay beaches, it truly was a wonderful experience , one that I will remember always.

Exciting times!

At the start of this blog writing adventure I thought I hadn't accomplished much thus far in my life, and by finishing 30 goals I'd feel a greater sense of fulfillment. However, with the exciting new developments in my life I have realized that I am beyond happy with exactly where I am. I have a loving husband who has made all my dreams come true. I appreciate his hard work and devotion more and more every day. He is the perfect husband and will soon be .... a wonderful new dad :-)
Sean and I are over the moon excited for the new addition to our little family. I have always wanted to be a mother and though there have been moments of stress and anxiety I am very much looking forward to all the new challenges coming our way!

Baby Marrs, we love you to the moon and back and can't wait to meet you ...

Monday, August 9, 2010

#26 yummmmm!

Who would have thought that growing your own veggies would be so easy! Granted, I had a TON of help from Sean, but really it's just about dirt, seeds, water, and sun...and in a months time you have something yummy, healthy, and grown with your own two hands.

These photos are of the first little guy to ripen. So perfectly red and round, topped with the sweetest little green star shaped stem. I was actually pretty sad when it came time to eat it, and truthfully told, I probably wouldn't have were it not stipulated in The List.

Now, we have a big happy tomato family growing! We use them in salads..pastas, just about everything :-)

Big high five to my wonderful husband and his handy green thumb. Without his help, none of this tomatoey goodness would be possible.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

#15 Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.

For so many years I've been meaning to rent and
watch The Godfather movies. However, as always tends to be the case, life got in the way. Work...school, it never seems to end. 3 hours just felt like an extrodinarily long time to sit and watch a movie, regardless of the awesomeness of said film.

Since The List was written, I knew I would eventually have to bite the bullet and take the time to watch it. Finally, with the help of netflix and frequent bathroom breaks, I made it through the movie. I have to say, those were 3 of the most worthwhile hours ever spent in front of a tv. Everything about this film was perfection and I am so very glad I decided to put it on my list. Francis Ford Coppola, you are my hero.

Monday, June 28, 2010

#25...and without a dictionary thank you very much!

Ever since I could remember my grandpa would sit in his worn leather couch, glasses on, with a pencil in one hand and a newspaper crossword puzzle clipping in the other. With his trusty dictionary never far from reach, he'd spend a good part of his day diligently filling in all the little squares. Eventually, with his fingertips blackened from newspaper ink and eraser shavings littering the floor, he'd sit back, smile, and bask in the satisfaction of a job well done. No matter what was going on, my grandpa would always take the time to not only start, but finish his daily crossword puzzle. I've always looked up to my grandpa and this daily practice of his continues to make me believe he's the smartest man in the world.

Even though my work schedule only requires 3 days a week from me I tend to stress myself out with the details of day to day living. There's always groceries to be bought, a load of laundry to be washed, or something in the house to clean. The purpose of my #25 was mainly to remind myself that it's ok to slow down and take 30 min out of my life to recoup and do something good for my mind, body, and soul. Crossword puzzles did just that for my grandpa and although I've always wanted to step into his shoes and give it a try, until recently I never have.

Once that last little box was filled in and the USA today online crossword puzzle told me I had finished I sat back, smiled, and for once knew my grandpas happiness and satisfaction in a job well done.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

#4 sew what?

When I first wrote down #4 "finish a craft project" I had just started to learn how to knit. I pictured myself getting really good and my goal was to knit a baby blanket for a friends baby shower. Neither of those two things ended up happening. Turns out, kitting is hard! I am currently still working on the same scarf I started about a million years ago. Since I never defined exactly what "craft project" entailed, I figured, my list = my rules. So instead of kitting a blanket, I'd sew one.

I'd sewn blankets before, but most have been pretty simple and ended up looking less than stellar. Since I knew I wanted to give this one away as a present as well as use it to fulfill my #4, I figured I should try and step things up a little...

My friend's nursery theme was "fat safari-ish animals" so I spent hours rummaging through fabrics at Kaimuki dry goods until I finally found the perfect look. I ended up having to make 3-4 trips back to the store for more fabric, thread, and various types of iron on appliques. All in all, It took me a total of about a week to finish the blanket and a few burp cloths. Although I'm sure most seamstresses professional and not, would scoff at my finished product, I have to say, I'm pretty darn proud of it!

In the end, even though it was meant to be a gift for little baby Liam, the sense of accomplishment I feel is actually like a present to myself as well. :-)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

#18 and 19 ... CLICK!

After what felt like an eternity (3 days in actuality) the UPS man finally delivered our new camera!

Back in high school I was fortunate enough to take one semester of a photography class. It was all pretty confusing (f/stop..composition..ISO..what?!) but so fun! I loved the thought of capturing moments in time that would normally be gone in nano seconds, and with a photo being able to revisit them forever. Up until now I've been trying my best to get by with my handy Sony cybershot. But for all its good points (dont' get me wrong, there are many) I never felt satisfied that the photos truly represented any real sense of feeling or emotion.

So as my 30's birthday creeps ever closer I want to finally go forward with my interest in photography as well as be able to capture all the special times to come (babies...? maybe?).

Anyway, that completes my #18 (buy a fancy camera) but I'm still working on #19. There is still so much for me to learn...you'll find me stalking the photography section at the Kaimuki public library. geek.