Tuesday, August 3, 2010

#15 Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.

For so many years I've been meaning to rent and
watch The Godfather movies. However, as always tends to be the case, life got in the way. Work...school, it never seems to end. 3 hours just felt like an extrodinarily long time to sit and watch a movie, regardless of the awesomeness of said film.

Since The List was written, I knew I would eventually have to bite the bullet and take the time to watch it. Finally, with the help of netflix and frequent bathroom breaks, I made it through the movie. I have to say, those were 3 of the most worthwhile hours ever spent in front of a tv. Everything about this film was perfection and I am so very glad I decided to put it on my list. Francis Ford Coppola, you are my hero.

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