Monday, June 28, 2010

#25...and without a dictionary thank you very much!

Ever since I could remember my grandpa would sit in his worn leather couch, glasses on, with a pencil in one hand and a newspaper crossword puzzle clipping in the other. With his trusty dictionary never far from reach, he'd spend a good part of his day diligently filling in all the little squares. Eventually, with his fingertips blackened from newspaper ink and eraser shavings littering the floor, he'd sit back, smile, and bask in the satisfaction of a job well done. No matter what was going on, my grandpa would always take the time to not only start, but finish his daily crossword puzzle. I've always looked up to my grandpa and this daily practice of his continues to make me believe he's the smartest man in the world.

Even though my work schedule only requires 3 days a week from me I tend to stress myself out with the details of day to day living. There's always groceries to be bought, a load of laundry to be washed, or something in the house to clean. The purpose of my #25 was mainly to remind myself that it's ok to slow down and take 30 min out of my life to recoup and do something good for my mind, body, and soul. Crossword puzzles did just that for my grandpa and although I've always wanted to step into his shoes and give it a try, until recently I never have.

Once that last little box was filled in and the USA today online crossword puzzle told me I had finished I sat back, smiled, and for once knew my grandpas happiness and satisfaction in a job well done.

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