Thursday, May 20, 2010

#9..chop chop!

Honestly, I crossed #9 off my list and chopped my hair a while ago. All this time I've just been working up the courage to post a picture of myself with it. My hesitation was not because of the hair cut, (which I love by the way, high five Matt at The Cut!), rather it was all self inflicted doubt.

I've always admired people with enough self confidence to post solo photos of themselves. They're always great pictures, artfully shot and beautifully composed. I've never done it mainly because I've never found a photo of myself that I loved enough to deem "facebook profile pic worthy". Also, and probably more importantly, it worried me that people would think I was as egotistical and narcissistic. Never one for bad publicity, I refrained.

However, as I reflected on the purpose of this blog, I realized, I'm almost 30 years old damnit! (I feel like that statement warrants a "damnit!", don't you?), if I want to post a photo of myself, damnit (there it is again!) I'm gonna do it.

To hell with those who sneer, judge, and whisper mean words. This blog is not for you, this photo is not for you. It's for me and Pili (cuz he's in it too), we love it, and that's all that matters.

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